Well, this morning I woke up, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, school bells were ringing and I had a flash of genius. That’s right, a simple, non threatening, low key, under whelming FLASH of genius. Surprised? Well, so was I. I want to be Judge Judy and Gordon Ramsey’s love child. Ok, so….maybe you’re laughing out loud at this moment but, hear me out, I am going somewhere with this. I want Judge Judy’s tenacity, unwavering truth seeking and inability to be duped. I want Gordon Ramsey’s commitment to excellence to both himself and those around him as well as, his eye for talent and his ability to speak what is truly on his mind and people get it. I also want some traits that they both share, which are, a flare for the dramatic (which I may have been born with but, never really tapped into), an ability to command an audience and, creating success from the ground up. Truth is, I think Judge Judy and Gordon Ramsey’s love child would make a really strong REO Agent. All of the characteristics I listed above are what you need to be in this business and, if I could develop them to the level of Judge Judy and Gordon Ramsey….well, I would be unstoppable. Of course, those skills I listed aren’t the only ones you will need but, it’s a great place to start. So for all of you looking to get your first REO then, think about what I have written today and ask yourself, is what you are doing now succeeding? Have you gotten your first REO? The one attribute I admire the most, of the many very highly successful people have, is adaptation. Learning to change and adapt is how you stay alive, grow and eventually reach your pinnacle. It’s a cosmic fact that the only constant in this universe is that constant isn’t possible. Whoa….that was deep....maybe too deep for my REO blog…lol My point is, if what you’re doing isn’t working, why are you still doing it? Are you mad? I am a true believer in engineering your success and, yes…before Edison finally engineered the proper filament to use for the light bulb, it is said he had thousands of trials and error….thousands but, what made a difference for him is that he learned something new about each and every failure that, in my opinion is what separates perseverance and madness.
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Jesse Gonzalez is a highly accomplished and respected real estate professional with a wealth of experience in the industry. With a career over 15 years, Jesse has established himself as a leading real estate sales and marketing expert.

As a licensed real estate agent since 2005 and a broker since 2008, Jesse has a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of the market. In 2013, he founded his firm, Liberty House Realty, LLC demonstrating his entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to delivering exceptional service to his clients.

Jesse's expertise extends beyond traditional real estate transactions. He obtained his Registered Appraisal Trainee in 2019, providing him with valuable insights into property valuation and market analysis. Although he decided to focus primarily on sales, his appraisal background gives him a unique advantage in understanding the intricacies of property values and trends.

With a dedication to excellence, Jesse consistently achieves outstanding results for his clients. Last year alone, he closed over $20 million in sales and received the prestigious Sapphire Award from his local association, recognizing his exceptional achievements in the industry.

Beyond his successful career in real estate, Jesse is passionate about education and personal growth. He is completing his undergraduate degree in Forensic Psychology, with plans to attend Law School in the fall of 2024. Jesse's ambition is to become a real estate litigator, focusing on real estate consumer protection law and advocating for the rights and interests of homebuyers and sellers.

As the owner/operator of the nation's largest social network for REO professionals, <a href="http://www.REOProNetwork.com">www.REOProNetwork.com</a>, Jesse has positioned himself as a thought leader and industry influencer. Through this platform, he fosters collaboration and knowledge-sharing among REO agents, attorneys, asset management firms, and other professionals in the field.

With a commitment to professionalism, integrity, and providing a personalized experience for his clients, Jesse Gonzalez is a trusted advisor and a driving force in the real estate industry. Whether assisting clients with buying or selling properties, he consistently goes above and beyond to exceed expectations and ensure successful outcomes.

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  • I really enjoyed this post. I really made me think. We need to think outside the box. Every successful person that was laughed at or told they just could not do it found the right way to make it happen.We need to keep re-thinking and continuing on even if the odds are against it. Think out side the box. Never say i Can't. Never give up. Great Blog!!
    Mary J. Pichardo
  • Ha! Gordon Ramsey....I've never seen his show because just the previews make me CRAZY!! I change the channel FAST!! Perhaps I need to get to know his style and other talents, as you've noted, which so far I have no desire to do. Judge Judy, well she's smart I give her that, but she can be rude and condescending (big ego), and I don't like that in any human being.

    Jesse, I think you've ALREADY got all you need to be an awesome REO (or any othe type) of agent you want to be! Personally, I like dealing with NICE (nice is always so nice!!), pepeople, who WORK HARD, KEEP THEIR WORD, ARE DEPENDABLE, HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR WHILE STILL BEING PROFESSIONAL, WHO STAY ON TOP OF THINGS, AND WHO ARE GOOD AT COMMUNICATING! The worse thing is dealing with flakes who keep you in the dark, who are terrible at answering phone or email. That drives me insane! I sleep with my Black Berry in hand....okay not that bad but if you need me you can get a hold of me just about any time. I don't care if you don't have good news, just KEEP ME IN THE LOOP of what's going on, and I'm happy!! I don't like dealing with laggers, fast talkers, or those who promise something and don't deliver. BUT, if someone TRIES THEIR BEST, I hold nothing against them. Since I was ten (long, loooonnng ago!) my dad thought me the value of hard work and keeping one's word, and to this day I find that you can always trust someone who has these atributes. And that's a very good thing!! BTW, if you were JJ & GR's love child, you'd probably have a lot of issues with anger and hostility!! Good humorous post.....LOL!!
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